Programming & Tools/Linux

[Linux] printk Level 별 출력

다크쌍피 2012. 5. 30. 12:48

Linux Kernel 을 디버깅 하다보면 printk의 레벨이 지정되어 있는 것을 볼 수 있는데,

이를 콘솔로 출력하기 위한 설정 명령은 다음과 같다.

echo 8 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk


echo 다음이 해당 등급이며 그 등급에 따른 내용은 아래와 같다.

There are eight possible loglevel strings, defined in the header <linux/kernel.h>; we list them in order of decreasing severity:


Used for emergency messages, usually those that precede a crash.


A situation requiring immediate action.


Critical conditions, often related to serious hardware or software failures.


Used to report error conditions; device drivers often use KERN_ERR to report hardware difficulties.


Warnings about problematic situations that do not, in themselves, create serious problems with the system.


Situations that are normal, but still worthy of note. A number of security-related conditions are reported at this level.


Informational messages. Many drivers print information about the hardware they find at startup time at this level.


Used for debugging messages.

Each string (in the macro expansion) represents an integer in angle brackets. Integers range from 0 to 7, with smaller values representing higher priorities.

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